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Local fresh food supplies, no long queuing required.

Eggs unlimited. The Egg shop on main road west end of Billingford.

Fresh fruit and vegetables and groceries:

Butcher and delicatessen deliveries:



The Charity exists for the residents of Billingford who find themselves in need of financial assistance.  Please contact any of the local Trustees listed below for further information.

Carolyn Lake, Dunlyn, The Street

James Dawson, Old Bells Farm, Elmham Road



There are 2 vacancies on Billingford Parish Council.  Anyone interested in joining the Parish Council can be co-opted onto the Parish Council in due course.  For further information regarding how to apply, contact the Clerk.

Attached here is the Co-option eligibility form, which should be read by anyone interested in joining and also the Co-opted Councillor Person Specification. The results for the May 4th Election can be viewed here.  The results for the 22nd June Election can be viewed here.


The next Meeting of the Parish Council will be taking place on Thursday 25th July at 7.00 p.m. in the Village Hall.    The agenda will be displayed on the Meeting Page of this website and the Notice Board.


Attached here is the response from Billingford Parish Council to Breckland Council regarding the Breckland Local Plan comment submission.


Attached here is information regarding how residents can give their views on the Preferred Options Draft Local Plan.  Also attached here are dates of Events relating tohis.


What does a Parish Councillor do?  A Parish Councillor is a member of the Parish Council and they  ae usually elected for a term of 4 years, but they can also be co-opted onto the Parish Council if a vacancy arise mid-term or seats remain unfilled after an Election.  Councillors are elected to represent the views of the Community and to consider the needs of the local environment.   They are the first point of contact for anyone in the village with a community issue and they can attend the quarterly Parish Council meeting to discuss Council business and to hear from members of the Public.  Councillors must abide by a Code of Conduct and declare any Pecuniary (Financial) interest they may have in the Parish and this information is held on a Register by Breckland District Council.  Many Councillors see their role as  a rewarding form of Public Service.


Attention all Residents of Billingford.  The Parish Council has organised a Village Litter Pick, which is taking place on Sunday February 25th, starting at 10.00 a.m.  Those interested in participating in this event will be meeting at the Village Hall at 10.00 a.m. and when the  event is finished, participants will be served refreshments in the Village Hall.  These is no need to inform anyone of your intention to get involved, just arrive at the Village Hall at 10.00 a.m.


Planning Application  3PL/2023/1058/F Land at Festival Road.

Change of use of land for the standing of 2 residential static caravans and 2 touring caravans to meet the accommodation needs of a local Gypsy/Traveller family to include ancillary works,

Please ensure you use this opportunity to comment on this application, using the online form at Search Planning Applications - Breckland Council.  Click on the Enter Comments button.  Attached here is a print out of the details.


Attached here is the Temporary Stop Notice served on Land at Festival Road.


Konectbus will be introducing a new bus service from Dereham to North Tuddenham, onto Elsing, then Lyng, then Billingford and back to Dereham.  This will operate on Dereham Market Days (Tuesdays and Fridays) from Tuesday 5th September 2023.  The timetable can be viewed here.


Breckland are seeking residents' views on their proposal to adopt the Local Validation List.  More information on this subject can be viewed here.


January's report from Norfolk County Council can be viewed here.


A Speedwatch activity took place on 12th March. 7 vehicles were registered as over the tolerance level with speeds between 36 - 41 m.p.h. plus 1 motorbike. 


PLEAS TO RESIDENTS - The cutting of the grass at the Church is organised by a Parish Councillor but there is a desperate need for another lawn mower.  If anyone is able to kindly donate a self propelled pedestrian lawn mower, it would be gratefully received.  If you can help, please contact any of the Parish Councillors or the Clerk.


Wellbeing Walks in March.  Information can be viewed here.

Information regarding Community Socials can be viewed here.

information on Cafe Socials in March can be viewed here.


Lovewell Blake Fund are offering a grant for small organisations and Parish Councils with a high level of volunteers to help with the cost of buying new or replacing items such as sports equipment.  More information is attached here.


Attached here is a poster with information on how residents can contact their local Police representatives.


Attached here is a report from Breckland Council regarding the Ukraine disaster.


Nexus Fostering is seeking new Foster Carers for disadvantaged children and young people and more information is attached here.


The Billingford Community Speed Watch Group is very much in need of some more Volunteers.  Please read the attached Poster for more information on how you can help your Community.

Information produced by Norfolk County Council can be found here regarding new sources of advice and assistance available to anyone who is struggling to make ends meet.

Attached here is information on The Anne Robson Trust, a pre-bereavement Charity and a Poster.

Information here on the latest update from The Police.

Information here on the Update from Elmham Group of Practices

Information here on Developing Skills in Health and Social Care

Information here on Wellbeing Sessions for Men.

Information here on Wellbeing Running Courses starting next May.

Information from NALC regarding Food Waste can be viewed here.

Info on Free Dementia Support sessions can be viewed here.

Info on a Public Forum 'A Bold Vision of Hope for a Sustainable Future' can be viewed here.

Happy Healthy Holidays newsletter here.

National Resilience Strategy info here.

Rural Crime Partner Pack here.

Delivery Rural Investment for Vital Employment funding info here.

Attached here is information from The Police regarding Courier Scams.

Attached here and here is some information from Norfolk County Council regarding Fostering A Child.

Attached here is a Tribute to HRH The Duke of Edinburgh

Attached here is some information regarding reducing waste and recycling.

Attached here is some information from Healthwatch Norfolk to help people copying with Cancer.

Attached here is some information regarding Free Support for Wellbeing from the NHS.

Attached here is some information regarding Walks around Norfolk.

Attached here is some information regarding Billingford country walks

Attached here is information from NHS.

Attached is a Poster regarding how to contact the Police.

Attached here is information from the Police regarding SNAP meetings.

The Police wish to warn the Public against potential SCAMS.  View information from the Police here.  View a poster regarding Courier Scams here.

Norfolk County Council have produced a Document for Community and Volunteer support to help with self isolation.  The document can be viewed here.

The Flourish Federation, which is All Saints CEVA Primary School in Stibbard and North Elmham CEVA Primary have 3 non-staff Governor vacancies and wish residents to give this fact some consideration.  A document outlining more detail can be viewed on the Documents Page.

The SAM2 speeding sign will next be sited in the village from 22nd October - 11th November 2023.   The dates and contact details for 2023 can be viewed on a document under the Documents section.  The SAM2  Speedwatch data for 12th - 29th October 2021 can be viewed here.  The Traffic Analysis (STATS) Report from 20th August - 8th September 2022 can be viewed here. The equipment was sited to the west of the village monitoring eastbound traffic.  Every day a vehicle was caught doing at least 60 m.p.h., some days 65 m.p.h., other days 70 m.p.h. and on 28th October a vehicle was caught doing 80 m.p.h.

Fly tipping is a Problem in rural villages and attached is a useful document regarding this Problem on the Documents Page.

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